MORNING TEA – Crunchy Apple & Walnut Salad 1 Green apple chopped, 150gr of cottage cheese, 30 grams of walnuts (smashed)
LUNCHTIME – Tuna & Cous Cous Salad A large handful of broccoli, ½ a carrot – grated, ¼ Red capsicum diced, 1 tomato diced, 1 large handful of mixed green leaves, ¼ of a cup of cous cous, 1 small tin of tuna- chili flavoured.
AFTERNOON TEA – Roasted Sweet Potato & Feta Salad 150gr roasted sweet potato, 30gr low fat feta, Slices of red onion (optional), Handful baby spinach or rocket, A handful of olives or cashew nuts.